USDA Forest Service and Ad Council Launch New PSAs to Re-connect Families and Kids with Nature – Campaign launch coincides with 4th Annual National Get Outdoors Day
Washington, D.C., June 8, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Children in the U.S. spend 50 percent less time outdoors than they did 20 years ago. In an effort to motivate families and their children to get outside more often and re-connect with nature, the USDA Forest Service and the Ad Council today launched new public service advertisements (PSAs) to encourage families to take the time to discover the forest. The Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, Tom Tidwell, will unveil the new PSAs on June 11 at Kingman Island in coordination with National Get Outdoors Day.
Initially launched in 2009, the campaign aims to encourage children and their families to get outside and experience the many benefits of nature. Research shows that children who play outside have a reduced risk for obesity, lower stress levels, more active imaginations and they’re more likely to become environmentally conscious adults.
The new television, radio, print and outdoor PSAs, created pro bono by ad agency, Turbine, are being released to coincide with National Get Outdoors Day on June 11. The PSAs encourage children and their parents to visit www.DiscoverTheForest.org (and the new Spanish version, DescubreElBosque.org), which includes an interactive map tool, powered by Google and Nature Find™ that enables users to search for nearby forests and parks, as well as downloadable activities for them to print and take with them when they visit.
Read the full article here: http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/adcouncil/50579/
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