Wilderness, and more precisely wilderness designation, is a touchy issue for many. While there are those who want more wilderness and those who can't stand the mere discussion of new wilderness designations, there are yet those who would simply like to see existing wilderness managed to the minimum standard.
A recent op/ed piece in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner gives an interesting perspective on new wilderness designations in Alaska. This viewpoint is from a person who is directly associated with the oil and gas industry, and the emotion surrounding the issue is palpable.
The article starts out: The 1002 area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge must continue to be excluded from wilderness designation. There is no need for additional wilderness designations in ANWR, given that 92 percent of the refuge is already closed to development.
Alaskans strongly oppose a wilderness designation on ANWR’s coastal plain. In fact, 78 percent of Alaskans support oil exploration in the 1002 area. Every Alaska governor and every legislature and elected congressional representative and senator from Alaska have supported responsible development.
Read more: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Sustain Alaska’s economy
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